WntResearch AB’s Nomination Committée shall consist of not less than four and not more than six members. The Annual General Meeting elects four members to the Nomination Committée. Three of these shall represent shareholders that at the end of the month preceding the issue of the notice for the Annual General Meeting are the three largest shareholders and who have consented to participate in the work of the Nomination Committee. One member shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee shall select a Chairman within the members at its inaugural meeting. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may however not be elected as Chairman of the Nomination Committee. Based on the adopted instructions, the following four members were elected to the Nomination Committée: Kjell Stenberg, Tommy Andersson, Lars-Erik Forsgårdh and Chairman of the Board Gudrun Anstrén. At an inaugural meeting, Lars-Erik Forsgårdh was elected as Chairman of the Nomination Committée. Shareholders wishing to present suggestions are asked to contact Chairman of the Nomination Committée Lars-Erik Forsgårdh by email: le.forsgardh@hotmail.com